The use the search engines have in online
world is much more than any other tool. Only in a click it gives you solution
for your questions. Many times in a hurry of getting information we click on
the links in the screen without thinking a bit. From there starts the problem
of malware, Trojans, and virus. The question arises can this problem be
minimized? The answer is yes. Recently, a German company had concluded in his
research that the users using Bing search engine are more prone to such
malwares and viruses.
we talk about search engines the first word that comes in mind is that of
Google. But besides it there are many worldwide search engines which users
easily get through. In search engine domain ‘Bing Surfing’ is a famous Microsoft search
engine. But the bad news for Bing users is that they are five times more prone
to malware websites and viruses as compared to other search engines. Few days back, Germany‘s republic testing lab,
AB test has done a research. The 18 months research in AB test lab accumulated
about 40 million i.e. 4 crore websites.