Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Difference between Android and Java

Android and java both have gained significant popularity today. With their successive applications, life undoubtedly has become a lot smoother! But a basic question still proves to be mind boggling for some! There might be some amongst us who will be unaware of the difference between java and android. Before knowing what the basic difference between java and android is, it would be ideal to first gain familiarity with the individual identities: java and android. Read on further to find out!

What is java?
Java can be described as the class based and object oriented coding language. Java is been widely used in programming today with its uses varying from web application development to software development! It was developed in 1995 by Sun Microsystems and is being used widely for both general purpose programming and special purpose programming. James gosling is called as the father of this language.
Java is considered as the advanced form of C and C++ with its syntax resembling very much with the latter!

Difference between Android and Java
Java programming language

The source fields of the java can be distinguished from other files as the java files end with .java extension. Java runs compatibly on numerous platforms ranging from windows to Linux. Class files are produced by java after getting complied.
One of the features of java which do requires a mention here is its automatic garbage collection. This means that objects which are no longer of use are automatically picked up and thrown out in dustbin.

What is Android?
We all are familiar with android as we see new android mobiles phones being launched in market every next day. It is the most famous operating system of smartphone now! Android was developed by Google. Android widely supports a large portion of java 5.0. Hence it would be no wrong to say that android development is java based. 

Difference between Android and Java
Android operating system

The objects of java which are not supported by android are either not needed or android has find substitutes for them. The compiler used to compile the codes in android is Delvik opcodes. It is a virtual machine which is optimized in a way to work properly in low power requirements of mobile! Android operating system is commonly seen in upcoming new mobile phones. Best Samsung mobile models do have android systems in them lessening the demand for best models in Apple mobiles.

Android and java distinguished
Android is a mobile platform whereas java is a programming language! Java requires the use of a proper compiler whereas android is compiled by Delvik machine which is a virtual platform to compile the programs on mobile. Also java deals with long programs whereas android just contains functions like onCreate, onDestroy, onPause and onResume!

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