Saturday, 20 July 2013

How to Transfer Files between Android Mobile And Windows 8 Laptop?

Transferring files today between two or more devices is a necessity! it is now very easy to transfer stuffs from your new android mobile phones to Windows 8. At times you may end up the whole procedure using pen drives. But what to do when the devices amongst whom transfer is to occur are a mobile and a laptop? Thankfully, both are equipped with Bluetooth. Bluetooth can be brought to good use and can be easily used for the transfer of files between two devices. if you have a best Samsung mobile phones and want to share its stuff to your laptop, the solution is here. Well, this be a difficult task if you carry one of the best models in Apple mobiles.

The procedure to begin the transfer is just simple. However, if you are dealing with windows 8 operating system, it may get a little bit tough especially if you are not familiar with the same. Here is a simple how to do guide, following which you may easily accomplish the task with upcoming new mobile phones too!

Step 1
Take your new android mobile phone. Go to settings and under ‘wireless and networks’, select the Bluetooth settings.

transfer app between Android and Windows 8
Transfer app between Android and Windows 8

Step 2
Set the Bluetooth and make it discoverable. Please note that if your mobile is not set on discoverable, laptop would not be able to detect it!

Step 3
Take your laptop and click the hot key on keyboard which serves as the shortcut for windows mobility center. However, if your laptop doesn’t show a hot key for windows mobility center, you may alternatively search it from the search tool. 

Step 4
Launch the Bluetooth from the windows mobility center.

Step 5
If you were not able to find windows mobility center on your laptop, you may accomplish the task alternatively. Go on settings tab in your windows 8 by hovering the mouse over right breadth of your screen. From there click on devices and your laptop will start the detection process of a new Bluetooth device connected.

Step 6
Once you find your android mobile there, click on it and a pass key will appear.
Step 7
Check if both the keys are same and click yes both on mobile and laptop.

Step 8
This adds your mobile into the windows 8 supporting laptop. Now, open a file on your mobile and click share.

Transfer app between Android and Windows 8

Step 9
A pop up window will appear on mobile suggesting the ways to share. Click on Bluetooth and select the laptop appearing there.

Step 10
As you do that, a notification window will appear on laptop. Click on it. This will grant the permission to laptop to accept the files from mobile.

Step 11
As you do this, another pop up will appear suggesting the folder in which Bluetooth files will be stored. You may browse to change the location.

Step 12
The transfer will initiate and you are over with the process!

1 comment:

  1. Tried this and my phone does not come up in devices. Ive worked with Bluetooth before so i have enabled it on my phone and made it visible. In Bluetooth on my computer it shows my phone and allows me to pair but only connects for a few seconds then wont connect again until i go through the whole process again.


