To make a firm foundation in the tab market Google has launched the new version of Google Nexus 7. It is rumored that Google has tossed this second generation Nexus 7 in competition with Apple’s and other best models in Apple mobiles . With seven inches long screen, the new Nexus 7 has a screen resolution of 1920*1200 mega pixels. The uniqueness of Nexus 7 account to its screen which is equipped with highest resolution among all the present tablets in the world!
In comparison to iPad, Nexus 7 screen gives twice the pixel resolution as that of iPad and is also cheap in terms of price. In the launching ceremony of Nexus 7 held at San Francisco, Google senior Vice President Sundar Pichai, said that according to statistics the number of users and buyers of tablets would be more than that of the PC by the end of 2013. a new mobile called Nexus 7 second generation is soon be added in the list of new android mobile phones.
In comparison to iPad, Nexus 7 screen gives twice the pixel resolution as that of iPad and is also cheap in terms of price. In the launching ceremony of Nexus 7 held at San Francisco, Google senior Vice President Sundar Pichai, said that according to statistics the number of users and buyers of tablets would be more than that of the PC by the end of 2013. a new mobile called Nexus 7 second generation is soon be added in the list of new android mobile phones.